Setter Derby-Österreich
Liechtenstein Castle on 15th July 2018
Burg Liechtenstein
Setter-Ausstellung Setter Show Der Österreichische Setter Club lädt in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Klub für Englische Vorstehhunde alle Setter und Pointer zum "Setter-Derby - Österreich" ein. Austrian Setter Club invites all setters and pointers to the “Setter Derby-Austria” in cooperation with Austrian Club for English Pointing Dogs
Teilnahmeberechtigt sind alle English-, Gordon-, Irish Red- und Irish Red and White Setter und English Pointer mit von der FCI anerkannten Ahnentafel. Eligible participants include all English, Gordon , Irish Red- and Irish Red and White Setters and English Pointers with pedigree recognized by FCI. |
Ehrenschutz - Patronage: |
Johanna Mikl-Leitner Landeshauptfrau von Niederösterreich - Governor of Lower Austria
Franz Schnabl Landeshauptfrau-Stv. von Niederösterreich - Deputy Governor of Lower Austria
DI Johann Zeiner Bürgermeister von Maria Enzersdorf - Mayor of Maria Enzersdorf
Richter - Judges:
Mrs Karen M Marsh, GB
Mr Roy Rout, GB |
Best Baby in Show der Beste der Setter bis 6 Monate - Best Setter up to 6 months old Best Puppy in Show der Beste der Setter bis 9 Monate - Best Setter up to 9 months old
"Senior-Master of Setter-Day" (Best Veteran in Show) der Beste der "Oldie-Setter" ab 8 Jahre - The best “Oldie Setter” over 8 Years old
"Junior-Master of Setter-Day" und "Master of Setter-Day" (Best Junior in Show) (Best in Show)
Anwartschaften: Weiters werden bei dieser Ausstellung folgende Anwartschaften vergeben: Anwartschaft auf den Österreichischen Champion (ÖKV) - CACA Anwartschaft auf den Österreichischen Jugend Champion (ÖKV) Anwartschaft auf den Österreichischen Veteranen Champion (ÖKV) Anwartschaft auf den Club-Champion
Furthermore the following candidacies will be awarded at this show:
Certificate for the Austrian Veteran Champion (ÖKV)
Das Setter Derby-Österreich zählt auch zur Cupwertung The Setter Derby Austria also counts towards Cup standings.
Nenngebühr - entry fees:
€ 45,-- / 40,--* ab dem von der selben Person gemeldeten zweiten Setter: For all further Setter entries by the same person: € 40,-- / 35,--* Baby-, Puppy- und Veteranen-Klasse: € 35,-- / 30,--* Zuchtgruppe, Paarklasse breeding group, pair class: € 15,-- / € 5,--*
*) ermäßigte Nenngebühr für Mitglieder des Österr. Setter Clubs *) Discounted Entry fees for Club Members
Der Zahlungseingang hat bis zum Nennschluss zu erfolgen. All fees must be received by closing date.
Nennschluss - Entry closing date:
27.6.2018, 23:59
zum Nennformular - entry form |
Sollte das Online-Nennformular nicht funktionieren, ersuchen wir, das PDF-Nennforumlar zu benutzen. In case of non-functioning of the online entry form please use the PDF entry form
Einlass ab 9 Uhr - Entry
from 9am Beginn des Richtens: 10.00 Uhr - Judging begins at 10.00am |
Zuschauer herzlich willkommen! Viewing Public welcome!
Sitzgelegenheiten sind selbst mitzubringen - Please bring your own seating
Die Ausstellung erfolgt unter der Schirmherrschaft des ÖKEV. This show will be held under the patronage of ÖKEV. |
Richter - Judges: |
a child I was terrified of dogs, in particular my aunts Pekingese who liked
to take a bite from my ankle whenever I visited. My fear continued until as
a young teenager a Pembroke corgi, owned by my the girlfriend, now my wife
Jacky, decided if I was to intrude in her and his life then I would have to
swallow my fear and sucumbe to his lovely nature, I could not resist and
love of both Jacky and her dog flourished. After marriage and the birth of
our two sons we decided to purchase a family dog and went for a Labrador
retriever only to find on our way home with the puppy we found that both our
sons and myself suffered from an allergic reaction to the puppy's fur and
had to return him, a disappointment all round. At Christmas 1971 I brought
home a stray Irish setter and over the festive season discovered none of us
were affected by the texture of the dogs coat, the dogs owner was found in
the following week and much to our sorrow returned to his home. This had
changed our lives and as January was both Jacky and my sons birthday I
treated them to a puppy Irish setter. Normal family life continued until the
puppy was about eighteen months old when I found that my work colleagues
swedish girlfriend showed wire haired fox terriers, we decided to go and see
a local show, enjoyed it and decided to enter the next show in the area with
our setter. Who and behold we achieved a minor place card and we were hooked.
Shortly after we moved home and the dog was unfamiliar with the location and
one evening whilst Jacky was out excreting him we found out about the Irish
setter and his love of free running, needless to say he ran off never to be
seen again, we had been bitten by the show bug and three months later
purchased litter brother and sister puppies Collorne Adonis and Collorne
Andromeda. The dog Adonis went on to top championship honours, the bitch
Andromeda when mated to U.K. Sh.ch. Wistavon Patrick produced our first
UK.Sh.ch. Shaytell Goldfinch, to all the family the love our lives. In the
ensuing years we continued to have several litters from the progeny of
Goldfinch and Andromeda and in so doing achieved top honours with the likes
of Shaytell Love Hurts, Shaytell The Owlsla,Shaytell Dancing Eyes and |
zur Derby-Cup-Wertung | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Nutzen Sie bitte den großen, kostenlosen Parkplatz vor der Burg, welcher nur ca. 400 m vom Ring entfernt ist. Eine 3.500 m2 große, eingezäunte Hundezone steht direkt beim Parkplatz zur Verfügung.
Parking is free for many cars at only 400m distance to your ring.
A 3.500 m2 large and fenced area for dogs is
available directly at the parking lot. |
Hier wird eine Liste "setterfreundlicher" Beherbergungsbetriebe eingerichtet |
Zeitgerecht vor der Veranstaltung
erhalten Sie eine Bestätigung per Post. Jeder Aussteller erhält bei der
Eingangskontrolle einen Katalog und eine Startnummer. You will receive a confirmation
in the post or email in due course. Every entrant will receive a start
number and catalogue at the check in point. |
Zeitablauf – ungefähre Schätzung Timetable - rough estimate
Hierbei handelt es sich lediglich um eine Schätzung des Zeitablaufes ohne Garantie! This is only an estimate of the timing period with no guarantee!
Bitte seien Sie mind. 1 Std. vor den angegebenen Zeiten vor Ort Please arrive at least 1 hour before the specified time
All jene, welche die Endausscheidung erreicht haben freuen sich sehr, wenn noch viele Teilnehmer bei dieser spannenden Situation dabei sind und applaudieren. Bleiben Sie daher bitte bis zum Schluss der Veranstaltung.
Please stay until the end of the show. The finalists are pleased with your applause.
Recht herzlichen Dank! Thank you very much!
Beratung in Setterfragen und Informationen über das Clubgeschehen:
676 7491585